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Accueil: Bienvenue


Drone - Cartography - GIS

Suivi d'espèces
Analyse des risques
Promotion touristique et immobilière
Risque de submersion
Sports extrêmes
Tour du Mir - Prats de Mollo (66)
Prise de vue aérienne de batiments
Suivi de construction de parc Eolien
Inspection d'ouvrages
Inspection de filets paragrêle
Pistes cyclables accidentogènes
Parc éolien de Tout Vent (17)
Sports de haut niveau


BlueGIS offers GIS project monitoring, webmapping, UAV aerial imaging and drone mapping services.


We work with public organizations, companies, local authorities, associations and individuals.

Our experience in terms of Geographic Information System (GIS) and spatial analysis in a wide variety of applications allows us to support the different actors of the territory in a better understanding and representation of their projects.



Accueil: À propos
Accueil: Services

Floods - Submersion

Forest fire - Landslide

Agricultural and viticultural monitoring

Mapping of natural areas

GIS software - Database

Drone mapping - Photogrammetry

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Antoine Pouget

  • Blanc LinkedIn Icône

Cartographer, geomatician, passionate about the coast and the environment.

About us

After more than 5 years of varied experiences in the field of Geographic Information Systems, I launched my service activity in cartography.


Geomatician and UAV pilot approved by the French civil aviation since 2015, I have skills ranging from cartography and GIS in general, to mapping by drone.

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